Maximizing Time with Doctors

Communication is vital to receiving the best healthcare possible, but many seniors struggle when it comes to talking to their doctors. These resources offer applicable advice and pre-planning tips to help get questions answered at a doctor’s visit. To learn how Independence-4-Seniors in DuPage county can assist with scheduling and transportation to appointments as well as medication reminders, contact us today.

Downloadable Tools and Tips:

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Web Resources:

Click the links below to access resource websites to find out more about maximizing your time with the doctor.

Elderly Patient Communication
Q&A column courtesy of provides useful advice for helping seniors communicate effectively with their doctors.

Ask the Tough Questions
This AARP article offers information to ask the right questions so you can leave the doctor’s office with the information you need.

Prescription Medicine
eMedicineHealth provides a detailed overview of prescription medicine and related issues, including what to do during the visit to the doctor and pharmacy, common prescription abbreviations, synonyms and keywords, generic medications, and more.

Hospital Hints
If a hospital visit is planned, get some sound advice about preparing from

Fall Prevention
