Senior Hygiene: How Often Should an Older Adult Bathe?

Proper hygiene is essential for seniors’ health and comfort. Use these tips for safe and effective ways to maintain senior hygiene.

Sinking into a warm, soothing, bubble bath at the end of a stress-filled day, and stepping into a hot, invigorating shower first thing in the morning are daily pleasures for many of us. However, it is possible to have too much of a good thing when it comes to senior hygiene. You might want to rethink that daily shower or bath for seniors, for a number of reasons:

  • The risk of skin infections from dry, cracked skin
  • Mobility issues
  • Fatigue
  • Thinner skin which could lead to easier bruising and other injuries
  • A greater chance of falls on slippery floors
  • And more

How Frequently Should an Older Adult Bathe?

Twice weekly is usually adequate to maintain personal hygiene for older adults. In between, a warm washcloth can be used to clean areas that require additional attention. This is particularly essential for seniors who wear products to manage incontinence.

Special Considerations for Dementia

One exception to think about is a senior loved one with Alzheimer’s. Because routine is so important when cognitive issues are a factor, a regular shower or bath could be a source of comfort. If a senior with Alzheimer’s is fearful or resists personal hygiene, however, try the following recommendations:

  • Ease fears. The loud, pounding sound of a shower or bathwater running is terrifying for many older adults with dementia. A handheld shower set at a minimal level is quieter and permits the person to see where the water is originating from.
  • Talk through each step. Explain what is going to happen in simple terms and in a soothing tone of voice prior to each part of the bathing process.
  • Focus on comfort. Keep the bathroom warm. Turn on music they enjoy. Have plenty of big, soft towels readily available. Use shampoo and body wash or soap in a relaxing, pleasant scent.
  • Encourage independence. Empower the person to remain in control of the bathing process whenever possible. Encourage them to participate according to their ability level, even if that means just holding onto the washcloth or shampoo bottle.
  • Create a positive association. Incorporate a particularly enjoyable activity at the end of the bath-time routine. For instance, provide a favorite snack that is only served after bathing so that it creates a positive connection.

Frequently, seniors feel most comfortable having help with personal hygiene needs from a professional caregiver. Independence-4-Seniors’ care team is fully experienced and trained in providing support for safe, comfortable showers or baths. Our focus is always on ensuring dignity and respect and addressing any particular fears or concerns with skill and empathy. Reach out to us at (630) 323-4665 for more information.