Secrets to Eliminating Exercise Excuses

Making regular exercise an ongoing part of a senior’s life is challenging at best. There are a plethora of reasons that make it hard to stay active later in life. Below are some of the most common excuses for inactivity, and suggestions to help eliminate them:

  • Self-efficacy: Begin slowly with exercises that are easily accomplished and advance gradually. Provide frequent encouragement.
  • Attitude: Promote positive personal benefits of exercise and identify enjoyable activities.
  • Discomfort: Vary the intensity and range of exercise and avoid overdoing it.
  • Disabilities: Consult a personal trainer or physical therapist for specialized exercises for the disabled.
  • Poor balance: Utilize assistive devices to increase safety.
  • Illness or fatigue: Use a range of exercises and intensities that can match the senior's energy level.

Overall, the key to continued success with an exercise plan is to make sure the senior feels comfortable and secure with the plan and the exercises. If muscles or joints are sore the day after exercising, too much exercise may have been done. Next time, exercise at a lower intensity. If the pain or discomfort persists, talk to the doctor.

Independence-4-Seniors has compiled a wealth of information on exercise for seniors. Contact us to learn more about our in-home care assistance in Hinsdale and the Chicago suburbs.