Independence-4-Seniors Home Care Helps Family Caregivers Prioritize Holiday To-Do Lists

holiday caregiver stressThe ho-ho-holidays can be he-he-hectic for the millions of Americans who are trying to balance work, family life, and caring for a loved one. As joyous and festive as the holiday season can be, family caregivers often suffer in silence while trying to do it all. However, it's important to remember that taking time during the busy holiday season (and throughout the year) to slow down and care for yourself is more important than sending cards or decorating every inch of your house or baking cookies for all your neighbors.

Not everything on your holiday to-do list is a necessity, so when you’re making your list (and checking it twice) take a moment to reassess what activities are important and which can be filtered out, and which can be handed off to friends and family members who can help take the load off. First, make a holiday task list of everything you have to accomplish (or think you have to accomplish). Include items like:

  • Sending holiday cards
  • Buying gifts for co-workers, teachers, neighbors, etc.
  • Baking cookies for a party
  • Attending office or school parties
  • Cleaning house
  • Making homemade gifts
  • Decorating the tree
  • Decorating the house, etc.

For each item on your list, indicate whether it is something you want to keep, eliminate, or allow someone else to help with or take over. If someone will be taking over a task for you, write his or her name next to that task. This simple step can help caregivers decide what's really important this time of year and free up some time to care for themselves. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup, so make sure you make time to fill your own from time to time.

Feeling overwhelmed this holiday season with your caregiving tasks? Contact the professional Chicago in-home caregivers at Independence-4-Seniors Home Care. We can help relieve your stress with compassionate, quality respite care, allowing you to check things off your to-do list or get some much needed rest while ensuring your loved one is well cared for.