Celebrating the Family Caregiver with Respite Care

Caring for an elderly or disabled loved one is a physically, mentally, and emotionally demanding job, one that requires time for the family caregiver to rest and relax on occasion. Respite care allows for relief from the daily responsibilities of caregiving, allowing the family caregiver to also care for himself or herself.

  • Here are a few basic tenets of respite care:
  • Respite from ongoing care responsibilities ensures loved ones still receive the attention they deserve.
  • All approaches to respite care provide family caregivers with care that is planned, temporary, intermittent and substitute.
  • Time required for respite varies from part of one day to ongoing scheduled routine relief.

How you can help a family caregiver:

  • Offer to take turns as caregiver. Even if you can only offer your time once in a while, it shows the family caregiver that you are thinking about his or her health.
  • Offer to help with the family caregiver's personal chores. Family caregivers have lives of their own, and finding time to take care of their own laundry, grocery shopping, or housekeeping can be difficult.
  • Chip in for respite care services from a home care agency, like Independence-4-Seniors. Oftentimes, family members who live far away want to be able to contribute to a loved one's care. Paying for respite care not only helps the care recipient, but the family caregiver as well.

Caregiver burnout symptoms are similar to those of stress and depression and can include withdrawal from friends and family, loss of interest in activities, changes in mood, appetite, weight, sleep patterns, and exhaustion. Make sure to celebrate and support the family caregiver in your life by helping him or her take a deserved break. For respite care in the Chicago, IL area, contact Independence-4-Seniors today!